Edit Image App About This application allows you to edit images using ImageMagick. App Input ImageUpload a filepng, jpg, webp, etcOutput Image TypePNGJPEGGIFWEBPFile Name (No Extension)ResizeResize the image.Resized WidthResized HeightCrop ImageCrop the image to the specified width and height.Start X (px)Start Y (px)Width (px)Height (px)GrayscaleConverts the image to grayscale.BorderAdd a border line to the image.Border ColorChangeBorder Width (px)CharcoalMake the image charcoal drawing style.BlurBlur the image.ContrastIncreases the contrast of the image.NegateInvert all colors in the image.Transparent ColorMakes the specified color and range of colors transparent.ColorChangeRange(%)ProcessOutputWaiting Confirm...